Madonna and Child
by Marianne Preindelsberger Stokes edited by Jessika
"Painted in Regusa on the Dalmatian coast in Italy the model for the Virgin Mary was a local village girl. The costume is representative of a traditional Dalmatian costume from the time... In the background Stokes surrounds the Holy mother and child with thorny stems seeming to refer to the future crucifixion of Christ. Stokes' interest in biblical themes is typical of the artists of the Pre-Raphaelite movement... their aim was to return to the purer styles of the early Renaissance artists like Fra Angelico and their subject matter was often spiritual."
For more about the artist see: http://www.wolverhamptonart.org.uk/whats_on/madonna
The Compassion Prayer
O Giver of All Life,
Help Me To See All Things in the Purity
In Which All IS Created.
Help Me To Maintain My Divinity
Through Obedience To the Holy Spirit from Within.
Help Me To Strive for the Upliftment
And Betterment of All Beings,
Through Practice of the Will of God
For Good in All Things.
Help Me To Grow in Love, Wisdom, and Compassion,
To Heal Myself and the Children of Earth.
Help Me To Give of Myself Without Thought.
Help Me To Do Unto the Least of Thy Children.
Even as I Would Unto My Beloved Ones.
Help Me and All Beings to Fully Realize
The Forgiveness and the Fullness
Of the Love of God.
Help Me To Bring To the Children of Earth
An Understanding of the Way.
Through the Immaculate and Compassionate Hearts
Of the Christed Mary and Jesus,
And Guided by The Holy Spirit.
Glory Unto God.
Glory Unto the Christ.
Glory Unto the Holy Spirit.
See Yourself in a Sphere of Light
And Feel and Think You Are Being Reborn
See: The Auric Egg Exercise